Ada yang tau gak cara menjawab soal Bahasa Inggris UN SMA dengan trik tertentu supaya cepat dalam mengerjakannya.?
Jawaban 1:
Perbanyak vocabulary, sering-sering ngelakuin latihan listening karena 20 soal pertama di UN SMA ngegunain metode ini. Perbanyak baca modul buat ngebantu. Ngulang soal yang sudah dikerjain. Dan terakhir do'a minta kemudahan
Jawaban 2:
Kalau mau mengerjakan soal bhs inggris dengan mudah ya kalu bisa tau artinya soal bhs inggris itu pasti tau jawabanya.....
Pertanyaan Terkait
bagaimana struktur kalimat dr "Positive economic outlook in 2014"? contoh : positive = s economic=O outlook=N in 2014= adj
Jawaban 1:
Simple Present tense Nominal:
(+) S + to be + O + Adj
(-) S + to be + Not + O + Adj
(?) To be + S + O + Adj + ?
>Positive economic outlook in 2014
S O Adj
semoga bisa membantu ^_^,,,
Apa bedanya recount dengan narrative text
Jawaban 1:
narrative:teks yg menerangkan cerita yg tidak nyata
descriptive:teks yg menerangkan sesuatu secara khusus
recount:teks yg menerangkan cerita nyata
report:teks yg menerangkan sesuatu secara umum
Jawaban 2:
Narrative text : cerita tentang zaman dahulu kala . contohnya kayak : legenda danau toba , malin kundang , dll
klo Recount text : menceritakan tentang pengalaman seseorang.
Mohon berikan contoh soal mengenai persuading
Jawaban 1:
Persuading adalah mempengaruhi lawan bicara untuk melakukan atau mengerjakan sesuatu seperti yang diharapkan pihak pertama
Mengajak bermain basket
Hi my brother, would you be so kind to accompany me playing basketball? I will give you a chocolate if you would like to play it with me.
Jawaban 2:
When do you go to school about 10 minutes later?
Contoh kalimat kata kerja gerund dan infinitive
Jawaban 1:
Daftar Kata Kerja yang Diikuti Oleh Gerunds
admit detest advise discontinue appreciate discuss avoid dislike can't help dispute complete dread consider enjoy delay escape deny evade detest explain dislike fancy enjoy feel like escape feign excuse finish finish forgive forbid give up (stop) get through hate* have imagine imagine justify mind keep (continue) miss like* permit love* postpone mention practice mind (object to) quit miss recall necessitate report omit resent permit resist picture resume postpone risk prefer spend (time) prevent suggest prohibit tolerate propose waste (time) practice abhor prefer* practice prevent endure prohibit tolerate propose acknowledge quit admit recall allow recollect appreciate recommend attempt regret* avoid report be worth resent began resist *can't bear resume can't help risk can't stand* shirk celebrate shun confess start* consider suggest *continue support defend try* delay understand deny urge
Daftar Kata Kerja yang Diikuti Oleh Infinitives
can’t afford afford elect come long hesitate request prefer wish swear can’t bear agree endeavor consent love hope resolve prepare would like tend can’t stand appear expect continue manage hurry say pretend yearn threaten can’t wait arrange fail dare mean incline seek profess care turnout get ask need decide seem intend chance promise growup venture offer attempt shudder deserve choose learn guarantee prove pay volunteer start begin claim determine hate like plan refuse strive want
Bantu nyusun kata-kata ne jadi klimat yg bner ya yang dimulai dri yg bergaris bawah sama bantu buatkan CONDITIONAL SENTENCE TIPE 2 arrange the jumbled words to form meaningful sentences,starting with the underlined words.
1. phone-puppet-his-invite-the-I-number-my-see-Finto-know-will-if-show-to-I-at-place
2. and-holiday-Bali-if-have-will-his-Lombok-long-go-year-Mr. Kukuh-family-to-they-and-this-a mohon di bantu
Jawaban 1:
1. If I know his phone number, I will invite Finto to the puppet show at my place.
2. If Mr. Kukuh and his family go to Bali, they will have a long holiday to Lombok this year.
Sorry kalau salah, baru pemula hehehe
Berikan masing-masing 3 soal pilihan ganda dan jawabannya tentang expressing embarrassment dan anger
Jawaban 1:
Due to her friend who come very late, She becomes very .... , therefore her face turn out into red.
a. angry
b. sad
c. happy
During the wedding party, my friend is so ..., how come he forgets to wear a pair of shoes.
a. embarrassed
b. happy
c. sad
Many people are so easy to be .... nowadays, however due to the high polution in this city, this kind of behavior is not surprising anymore.
a. happy
b. angry
c. sad
Buatlah dialog b.inggris bertema expressing probability and possibility!
Jawaban 1:
Arya : Hi Erna, why do you collect many stamps?
Erna : Ohh…. Hi Arya. I am collecting the stamps for my collection.
Arya : What do you mean?
Erna : Yes, actually my hobby is collecting stamps.
Arya : Why do you like collecting stamps?
Erna : Because I like to see the unique pictures of the stamps. How about you, what is your hobby?
Arya : Hmm… I think I don’t have hobby. Should we have a hobby?
Erna : Not really. But in our lives we must have something we like most which is called hobby.
Arya : So, hobby is a pleasure. Then, I think I have a hobby now.
Erna : Of course, so what is your hobby?
Arya : I like to read comics especially detective Conan.
Erna : That is your hobby. Reading comic. Do you have all of detective Conan’s collection?
Arya : Yes, I do. I even go to the black market because the original comics have not yet been published. How about your stamps collection?
Erna : So far I have collected stamps from some countries but I still should find other stamps.
Arya : Do you need much money for your hobby?
Erna : Yes of course I need much money because I order the stamps so it costs little bit expensive.
Arya : Wow…. Your hobby is expensive.
Erna : Yeah but I like to do it.
Arya : Okay good luck with your hobby.
Erna : Thank you.
Clipping word apa aja jenis dan contohnya?
Jawaban 1:
advertisement--ad-- iklanairplane--plane--pesawat udaraautomobile--auto--mobilavenue--ave--jalan besarbicycle--bike--sepedabrassiere--bra--bhbrother--bro--saudara laki-lakibusiness--biz--bisniscaptain--cap--kaptencaravan--van--mobil vancelebrity--celeb--selebritischampion--champ--juarachimpanze--chimp--simpansechocolate--choc--coklatcombination--combo--kombinasicondominium--condo--gedung apartemendemonstration--demo--demonstrasidoctor--doc--dokterdormitory--dorm--asramaexamination--exam--ujiangasoline--gas--bensingentleman--gent--priagraduate--grad--lulusangymnasium--gym--ruang senamhamburger--burger--hamburgerhippopotamus--hippo--kuda nilinfluenza--flu--fluinformation--info--informasiinternet--net--internetlaboratory--lab--laboratoriummagazine--mag--majalahmathematics--math--matematikamemorandum--memo--memorandummicrophone--mike--mikrofonnewspaper--paper--surat kabarpenitentiary--pen--penjaraphotograph--photo--fotoprofessional--pro--profesionalprofessor--prof--profesorpromotion--promo--promosirehabilitation--rehab--rehabilitasi, perbaikanreproduction--repro--reproduksirhinoceros--rhino--badaksaxophone--sax--saksofonsister--sis--saudara perempuanteeenager--teen--remajatelephone--phone--telpontelevision--telly--televisitransportation--transport--transportasiveterinarian--vet--dokter hewanvocabulary--vocab--kosakatazoological garden--zoo--kebun binatang
Jawaban 2:
Facsimile = Fax
Advertisement = Ad
Fanatic = Fan
Influenza = Flu
Public House = Pub
Examination = Exam
Buatkan contoh announcement.????
tolong bantu yhaa
Jawaban 1:
this saturday IS august 17th , the independence day . dont miss the Independence Day festival !! the festival begins at 08.00 in every district of Subang . gather in front of our school at 07.30 to see the parade with the principal don't miss it ! and join many contests at school
Jawaban 2:
this saturday IS august 17th , the independence day . dont miss the Independence Day festival !! the festival begins at 08.00 in every district of Subang . gather in front of our school at 07.30 to see the parade with the principal don't miss it ! and join many contests at school .
Free registration , Full of prizes
The comitee OSIS SMPN 2 Denpasar
Resta Pranata
bagaimana cara agar dapat menguasai bahasa inggris dengan baik dan benar ? apakah kita harus menghafal kamus ?
Jawaban 1:
Cara gampanya sering nonton film bahasa inggris, dengerin musik bahasa inggris (sekalian hapalin liriknya) semakin banyak yg kamu tonton dan kamu hafal liriknya, semakin banyak kata yg kamu tau dan sekalian latian pelafalan/pronounsation dari lagunya :)
Jawaban 2:
Caranya dengan sering mendengarkan bahasa inggris dan membaca kamus:)