Apa itu adverb dan apa contoh nya
Jawaban 1:
Adverb itu kata keterangan
jelasnya : kata yang berfungsi untuk mendeskripsikan verb (kata kerja), adjective (kata sifat), maupun adverb lain.
contoh : menyatakan waktu terjadinya suatu kegiatan/peristiwa (now, today, yesterday).
Jawaban 2:
Kata keterangan,contoh : time,manner
Pertanyaan Terkait
Kata kerja 3/VIII apa ya
Jawaban 1:
Itu tuh past participle
contohnya : stop-stopped-stopped
- eat-ate-eaten
Jawaban 2:
Kata kerja yang ketiga, kan? Kata kerja yang ketiga digunakan pada saat kita menggunakan kalimat past tense..
Apakah caution dengan notice itu sama???
Jawaban 1:
Beda, Caution itu hati-hati kalau Notice itu pemberitahuan
Jawaban 2:
Beda, kalo caution itu mengingatkan tentang hal-hal yang berbahaya, kalo notice itu memberitahu tentang suatu informasi aja
Apa arti dari :
column =
lamina callus =
lateral sepal =
dalam bagian bunga.
Jawaban 1:
lamina callus
lateral sepals
in the flower section
Buatkan 5 kalimat either or dan 5 kalimat neither nor!
Jawaban 1:
kalimat either
1. Either Tommy or Tommy’s friends are going to visit me tonight.
2. Either Jenny or Juli has seen the Madagascar.
3. Either the father or the mother has to attend the meeting.
4. Either John or Peter received your message.
5. Either Peter or the girls need to attend the course.
kalimat neither nor:
1. Neither Tommy nor Tommy’s friends are going to visit me tonight.
2. Neither Yayat nor two of his friends are attending the class now.
3. Neither I nor my daughter has seen the Frozen.
4. Neither Sarah nor Peter was to blame for the mistake.
5. Neither Frank nor Lilly lives in Eugene.
Jawaban 1:
Tree is a one of more than one milion plants in the earth. Tree is a living creature that moves passively. Same like another plants, tree can also do photosynthsize that produce oxygen. Tree is important in our earth. Beside it can produces the fresh air, it can prevent global warming more that 60%.
Bahasa inggrisnya uks...
Jawaban 1:
school health unit
semoga membantu :)
Jawaban 2:
school health unit .......................
Please describe about animals bird
Jawaban 1:
Bird is an animal who has latin name as aves, has two wings, and warm blood. bird can fly anywhere they like. most of them eat seeds of corps
Jawaban 2:
bird is eating bird seed - grains, fruit and meat. birds are animals that breathe by using purse - purse air while flying. eg meat-eating birds eagles, vultures, while the grain-eating birds sparrows example.
semoga membantu y friend
Create dialog based on the situations : 1. You've just had a geography test. You ask friend's opinion about it. He says that it was difficult enough. How would the conversation go ?
2. You bring some doughnuts to school. At the first break, you offer them to your friends. They accept you offer. How would the conversation go ?
Jawaban 1:
Anita : hei kaira what do u think about a geography test ? kaira : oh God! it was difficult enough. i only answer 7 question from 10 question. anita : really? hmm but i think the test not difficult enough. heheh kaira : hmm oke oke. thats your opinion darling. do you know? when i want to do the next question. The time is over!!! huhhhhf so bad! 2. gita : hei nina. why are you not lunch? nina : hmm i forget to bring my lunch. gita : i know you're hungry. do u want my doughnuts? nina: yes. oke thankyou gita. wow this doughnuts so delicious!
Jawaban 2:
Jawaban no 2 aja ya
Annisa : hey i brings doughnuts do you want this doughnuts
thalia : yes i want it
annisa : okay this is it
thalia ; the taste is good
annisa ; thanks
Buatlah teks report tentang kangoroo beserta artinya!
Jawaban 1:
A Kangaroo A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.
Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long and very strong back legs and a tail. These they use for sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour.
The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults grow to a length of 1.60 meters and weigh over 90 kilos.
Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life.
Jawaban 2:
Kanguru adalah binatang yang hanya ditemukan di Australia, Meskipun dia memiliki kareabat yang lebih keil yang disebut Wallaby, yang hidup di pulau Tasmania Australia dan juga di New Gunea.
Kanguru makan rumput dan tanaman. Mereka memiliki dua kaki depan yang pendek, tetapi memiliki kaki belakang yang sangat panjak dan kuat dan juga memiliki ekor. Semua itu digunakan untuk duduk dan untuk melompat. Kanguru telah dikenal suka membuat lompatan ke depan lebih dari delapan meter, dan melompati pagar lebih dari tiga meter. Mereka juga bisa berlari pada kecepatan lebih dari 45 kilometer per jam.
Jenis kanguru terbesar adalah Great Grey Kanguru (Kanguru Abu-abu Besar) dan Red Kangaroo (kanguru Merah). Kanguru dewsa tumbuh dengan panjan 1,60 meter dan berat lebih dari 90 kilogram.
Kanguru adalah jenis hewan Marsupial. Yang berarti bahwa kanguru betina memiliki kantong luar di bagian depan tubuhnya. Seekor bayi kanguru ukurannya sangat kecil ketika lahir, dan merangkak sekaligus ke dalam kantong tersebut di mana anak kanguru menghabiskan lima bulan pertama kehidupannya
semoga membantu
Tolong buatkan Dialog bahasa inggris tentang Rencana setelah lulus smp 10 pertanyaan dan jawaban...
Jawaban 1:
I = what are you doing after graduation
Y = i will continue to SMA
I = Oo Okay
maaf kalo cma dikit