Apa saja yang dilakukan tukang kebun saat bekerja ? minim 25 pekerjaan(dengan b.inggris)
Jawaban 1:
Kata dalam berkebun
cutting the grass
Jawaban 2:
Pertanyaan Terkait
Siapa yg tau contoh notice ditempat wisata?
Help me
Jawaban 1:
Be careful
dont give eat
dont distrub animal in this here
dont broken the facility
Jawaban 2:
Kebun binatang : do not feet the animals
taman : don't walk on the grass
museum : do not take pictures
READ YHE TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTION THE FOX Once day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. "Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs," she said. "I know only one trick to get away from dogs," said the cat. "You should teach me some of yours!" "Well, maybe some day, whwn I have the time, I may teach you a few of the simpler ones," replied the fox airily. Just then they heard the barking of a pack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder - the dogs were coming in their direction! At once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. "This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know," she called down to the fox. "Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use?" the fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. Before she could make up her mind, the dogs arrived, They fell upon the fox and tore her to pieces. A single plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful plans. PERTANYAAN: Why did the dogs tear the fox to pieces? CARA MENJAWAB NYA DENGAN BAHASA INGGRIS & TOLONG JAWABANYA DI ARTI KAN KE BAHASA INDONESIA JUGA YAA. . .
Jawaban 1:
The dogs tear the fox to pieces because angry
1.deskripsikanlah binatang kucing dalam bahasa inggris!
Jawaban 1:
Cat have fur that smooth,cat that have sharp teeth,cat like fish,cat have a long tail.. semoga bermanfaat :) jadikan yg terbaik
Jawaban 2:
I lovecat,because the dense fur and soft, have two ears,have two eyes,has four legs, and gray and white .
Recount text about health?
Jawaban 1:
Menceritakan teks tentang kesehatan
Jawaban 2:
Search in goggle :) there are many recount texts in there
What do you think about coruptor? jawabannya pakai bahasa inggris ya ! terus jangan asal jawab oke
Jawaban 1:
They are just stupid minded person. they are greedy. they stole our money. they must be punished!
Jawaban 2:
The corruptor is the bad people in this world, they take money many people for theirself
1. buatlah pertanyaan dan jawaban dalam bahasa inggris seperti contoh kalimat ini: A: Let me help you to prepare break fast? B: Thanks a lot.
Jawaban 1:
A.can you help me B.sure
Jawaban 2:
A : Are you wanted me to carry it?
B : Sure
A : thanks before.
C : May I borrow your pen?
D : I'm sorry. I still use it.
E : Please help me to do this homework, i got so tired
F : Ok, you can rest for few minutes.
jadiin yang terbaik ya
Use the present simple affirmative 1. I ______ (go) shopping with my brother
2. We sometimes ______ (use) a dictionary in class
3. you ______ (live) near me
4. He ______ (like) rap music
5. We ____ (play) tennis in school
Jawaban 1:
1. going
semoga membantu :)
Jawaban 2:
1. Goes
3. lived
4. liked
5. playing
Bisa minta tolong translatekan ini, tpi jangan dari google translate ya, Aku memelihara seekor kucing. Namanya Bruno. Aku beri nama dia
Bruno karena saya suka Bruno Mars. Dia bertubuh gendut. Dia memiliki mata
berwarna kuning, telinga yang tegak, dan kumis yang panjang. Dia memiliki bulu
yang lebat dan panjang berwarna putih. Dia juga memiliki ekor yang panjang. Dia
sangat lucu dan manja. Dia juga pemalu. Dia suka bermain di luar rumah. Pernah suatu
hari ia tercebur ke dalam parit sehinnga tubuhnya kotor semua. Sejak saat itu,
ibuku membeli sebuah kandang yang cukup besar untuk Bruno serta mengurungnya
sehingga Bruno jadi jarang keluar rumah. Dia adalah kucing yang pintar dia
selalu menuruti perintahku. Dia juga tidak suka buang kotoran sembarangan. Dia tidak
suka makanan kucing, dia lebih suka makan makanan manusia.
Jawaban 1:
I'm breed some cat. her name is Bruno. I'm give her name Bruno because I like Bruno Mars. Her a body so fat. Her have yellow eye's, ear is erect, and long moustache. He has a feather and a long bushy white. He also has a long tail. he very funny and spoiled. He was also shy. She loves to play outdoors. never a day he fell into the trench sehinnga her all dirty. Since that time, my mom bought a cage large enough for Bruno and lock so Bruno so rarely leave the house. He is a smart cat he always do what I say. He also did not like the indiscriminate pooping. he does not like cat food, she prefers to eat human food.
Jawaban 2:
I'm breed some cat. her name is Bruno. I'm give her name Bruno because I like Bruno Mars. Her a body so fat. Her have yellow eye's, ear is erect, and long moustache. He has a feather and a long bushy white. He also has a long tail. he very funny and spoiled. He was also shy. She loves to play outdoors. never a day he fell into the trench sehinnga her all dirty. Since that time, my mom bought a cage large enough for Bruno and lock so Bruno so rarely leave the house. He is a smart cat he always do what I say. He also did not like the indiscriminate pooping. he does not like cat food, she prefers to eat human food.komentar : kenapa gak buka google transfer
Apa rumus past perfect tense?
Jawaban 1:
Past perfect tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb “had”, dan past participle (verb-3). Had digunakan baik untuk singular maupunplural subject. Sedangkan past participle dapat berupa irregular maupun regular verb.Dengan demikian rumus past perfect tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif adalah sebagai berikut.
KalimatRumus Past Perfect TenseContoh Past Perfect Tensepositif (+)S + had + Verb-3/past participleMy brother had sleptThey had comenegatif (-)S + had + not + Verb-3/past participleMy brother hadn’t sleptThey hadn’t comeinterogatif (?)had + S + Verb-3/past participleHad my brother come
Jawaban 2:
Subject + had + verb past participle
1.when did she and prince charles get merried? 2.when was princess diana born?
3.how many sisters did she have?
4.when was she sent to biarding school?
5.when did she meet prince charles for the first time?
Jawaban 1:
1. they were married in 29th of july 1981
2. princess diana was born on july 1 1961
3. lady diana have 2 sister
4. (boarding, maybe?) when she was about 8 year old
5. in 1977