Ceritakan Rencanamu kedepan menggunakan simple future tense?.
Jawaban 1:
I will go to school next week
Pertanyaan Terkait
Contoh simple present tense, verbal dan nominal
Jawaban 1:
Simple Present Tense : Subject + V1 + keterangan waktu yang biasa dilakukan.ex : usually, every, always, often, sometimes,once, a week, a twice, etc.
Contohnya : he runs very quickly
Complete these sentences using "Too" 1. You have a colour television set and Mr. Harry ______________
Jawaban 1:
1.you have a colour television set and Mr.harry does too
2. you have a colour television set and so does Mr.harry
3.you have a colour television set and Mr.harry too
Jawaban 2:
Need that.
hanya itu jawabanya
Contoh teks explanation?
Jawaban 1:
Explanation adalah menerangkan atau menjelaskan, contoh nya adalah explanation about the meaning of evolution
Evolution is subject in Biology lesson. The topic explains about the metamorphosis of creature from the past into the recent forms.
Match the situation in column A with the suitable suggestions in column B. more than one answer is possible. A B
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1. my aunt gave me a cigarette lighter a. you should have spoken to him about it
for my birthday but I don't smoke b. I would have told her that I'd prefer
2. I saw a classmate cheating on an exam. something else
so I wrote her a letter about it c. I would have spoken to the teacher
3. A friend of mine often smells bad. so I put about it
some deodorant in his bag d. I would have waited for the owner to
4. I hit someone's car as I was leaving come back
a parking lot. luckily no one saw me e. you could have exchanged it for
5. the teacher borrowed my favourite book something else
and spilled coffee all over it f. you could have warned her not to do it
g. you could have left a note for the owner
Jawaban 1:
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D, G
5. F
semoga membantu :)
Match the situation in column A with the suitable suggestions in column B. more than one answer is possible. A B
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1. my aunt gave me a cigarette lighter a. you should have spoken to him about it
for my birthday but I don't smoke b. I would have told her that I'd prefer
2. I saw a classmate cheating on an exam. something else
so I wrote her a letter about it c. I would have spoken to the teacher
3. A friend of mine often smells bad. so I put about it
some deodorant in his bag d. I would have waited for the owner to
4. I hit someone's car as I was leaving come back
a parking lot. luckily no one saw me e. you could have exchanged it for
5. the teacher borrowed my favourite book something else
and spilled coffee all over it f. you could have warned her not to do it
g. you could have left a note for the owner
Jawaban 1:
1 b
2 c
3 a
4 g
5 f
menurutku itu jawabannya
Tolong buatkn kalimat bahasa inggris beserta artinya : 1. stamp collector
2. animal trainer
3. bank robber
4. dog catcher
5. book pubhsher
6. tax collector
7. ticket taker
8. five extinguisher
9. mind reader
10. bullfighter
11. wage carner
12. story teller
Jawaban 1:
1. Frannie is a stamp collector. (Frannie adalah pengumpul perangko)
2. Randy wants to be an animal trainer. (Randy ingin menjadi pelatih binatang)
3. The polices are trying to capture the bank robber. (Para polisi sedang berusaha menangkap sang perampok bank)
4. The dog catcher slipped yesterday. (Penangkap binatang itu terpeleset kemarin)
5. Erlangga is a book publisher company. (Erlangga adalah perusahaan penerbit buku)
6. The tax collector is going to retire. (Sang pengambil pajak akan pensiun)
7. The ticket taker took my ticket. (Sang pengambil tiket mengambil tiket saya)
8. The school bought some fire extinguisher. (Sekolah membeli beberapa pemadam api)
9. Desi is a mind reader. (Desi adalah seorang pembaca pikiran)
10. The bull fighter was injured seriously. (Sang pelawan banteng telah cedera parah)
11. The wage earner was ill last week. (Sang pencari nafkah sakit minggu lalu)
12. The story teller has a really thick book. (Sang pendongeng memiliki buku yang sangat tebal)
semoga membantu :)
contoh teks announcement teruntuk warga sekolah tentang akan diadakan nya festival musik di sekolah tersebut.
Jawaban 1:
Announcement to all of part *namaskola* school that will be held fun event, is music festival! come and join with us on.. *tanggaldiadainyyaacaratsb* at.. our beloved school *tempat spesifik* lets share our kindness together! see there (;
Tolong buatin teks explanation ttg ''how rain occurs'' dong
Jawaban 1:
Rain occurs by the process of water cycle
the process of evaporatin is as
1. the water from water bodies evaporate due to the heat of the sun
2. the drops of water combine with dust particles in the atmosphere and clouds are formed
3. as the drops of water keeps on combining the clouds become heavy
4. when the clouds become heavy they are no longer able to float in air
5. then the drops of water fall as rain
Jawaban 2:
How rain occurs Rainbows occur when sunlight passes through drops of water. This is why you see rainbows after rain or at fountains and waterfalls. Light moves at different velocities through air and through water. So when sunlight passes through water, it is dispersed. It is first refracted when it enters the droplet, reflected of the back of the drop, and then it is refracted again as it leaves. This refraction of the light into angles within the drop leads to it being visible, and the wavelength of the light is what depends its colour. After rain when sky is clear from the clouds and there is water everywhere. The sun shines on this water and reflects on the sky as rainbow.
Bagaimana cara membuat judul untuk essay?
Jawaban 1:
Caranya adalah : untuk mengambil judul dari essay, ambillah kata-kata subject yg sering tertera.
Jawaban 2:
Judulnya Pasti Yang Menarik. Dan juga judul harus menyangkut seluruh isi di salam essay tsb
ada yang bisa bantu gk buat kalimat hortatory judulnya bahaya merokok atau mengenai jajanan anak" seperti cireng dan lain"... Tolong yaaaaa...
Jawaban 1:
Hortatory tu yg kya gini kan ? what should you do ? you should stop smoking ! what shouldnt you do ? you shouldnt smoking because smoking can kill you maaf kalau salah