
Contoh Kalimat Past Tense Menggunakan Used To

Contoh kalimat past tense menggunakan used to

Jawaban 1:

Contohnya : i used to studying at night

Jawaban 2:

That scissors used my mom

Pertanyaan Terkait

Minta tolong kasi contoh percakapan bahasa inggris tentang pernyataan setuju dan tidak setuju

Jawaban 1:

Class Vacation

Yoga : So, class. Now we are going to deliberate our concern about where we are going to head for our class vacation. So, who comes up with the idea first?
Habibi : I will vote for Anyer Beach. Anyer Beach is one of the nearest beaches we can visit.
Yoga : So, class. Is there anyone who disagrees with Anyer Beach?
Jenny : Um, I am not sure about that. Last vacation our class had gone to Anyer Beach. I think we should see other options.
Habibi : Oh yeah! You’re right, I forgot about that.
Jefri : Well, I’m suggesting Kebun Raya Bogor
Kania : I agree with you, Jefri. I have never been there myself.
Geri : Me too, I am with you, Kania. Seeing great trees and plants must be exciting. Kebun Raya Bogor is like a great jungle in the middle of town.
Sarah : I’m sorry guys. I think I will disagree with that. It’s rainy season now. And as you know, Kebun Raya Bogor is located in Bogor which is the city of rain. And seeing the intensity of rainfall throughout Indonesia lately, I think we might not be able to explore the whole Kebun Raya Bogor due to the rain.
Tio : I think what Sarah said is right. Kebun Raya Bogor is not the best place to visit during this heavy rainy season
Yoga : Well, are there any other options?
Fauzi : How about Bali?
Habibi : No way! I don’t have enough money to go to Bali
Sarah : Habibi is right, Fauzi. It’s really costly to pick Bali as an option.
Yoga : Okay, class. To save the time, now let’s just write your idea into a piece of paper and we will deliberate in the next occasion. Thank you.

contoh yang lebih simple lagi :)

A : hi, good morning B
B : morning A, how are you??
A : i'm fine thank's
B : are you agree if i break up with C??
A : no, i don't
B : why??
A : I'm not agree if you break up with C, because she more Love you then anyone, bro don't break up with her, and maybe sometime you can't find girl like C anymore, so don't break up with her
B : uhh, okay broooo, thank's for that
A : your welcome dude....

sekian dari saya :D

Jawaban 2:

Lin :I can't help to hold on any longer.
Sara : Oh why?
Lin : I think he truly never cares about me. He keeps talking about his ex-girl friend and it hurts me. He doesn't love me anymore!
Sara : I don't think so, Lin! Jey does love you so much. I know it. You're everything to him. Probably he did that just want to know how your response is. He wants to know whether you love him as he loves you. Ask him yourself and keep positive thinking. Don't ever let him go because of your emotion.
Lin : I think you're right. It might be better to talk to him directly. Thanks, Sara.
Sara : you are very welcome.

put the verb in the brackets into the correct form.   example : I didn't go (not/go) to work yesterday because I wasn't (not/be) very well   1.Last week our teacher__ (not/come) to class because he__ (be) sick 2.His grandfather__ (not/meet) me when he__ (be) in jakarta 3.I__ (not/understand) what he said 4,I__ (not/have) to go to work yesterday because it__ (be) a holiday 5.they__ (watch) the football match on TV this morning

Jawaban 1:

1. didn't came, was
2. didn't met, was
3. didn't understanded
4. didn't had,was
5. watched  

Jawaban 2:

1.didn't come,was
2.didn't meet,was
3.didn't understand
4.didn't have,was

Buatlah kalimat dengan gerund "enjoying"

Jawaban 1:

Iam enjoing in finishing my homework

Jawaban 2:

We enjoying the film atau we enjoying the scenary

Mengurutkan kata kata ini bgaaimana caranya 1. if-would-an-were-Mr.Alferd-a-build-he-orphanage-billionaire
2. a-don't-must-better-you-this afternoon-see-you-docyor-feel-it
3. renovate-gets-Father-from-house-he-office-bonus-the-his-will-if-a
4. if-she-a-our-Ayu-have-our-joined-for-group-problem-would-solution

Jawaban 1:

1. Mr. Alfred would build an orphanage if he were a billionare.
2. You must see a doctor this afternoon if you don't feel it better
3. Father will renovated the house if he gets a bonus from his office
4. Ayu would have a solution for our problem if she joined our group

Jawaban 2:

1. mr. alfred would build an orphanage if he were a billionaire 2. you must see doctor this afternoon if you dont feel better 3. father will renovate his house if he gets a bonus from the office 4. ayu would have a solution for our problem if she joined our group

Bantuin bikinin 10 kalimat request.

Jawaban 1:

Can i borrow you pen?
may i borrow your bag?
could you give some money?
can borrow you car?
do you have a coin?
do you have a pencil?
can i borrow your homework?
can you buy me a ice cream
can you play some musik now?
close the door, please
may i get some point now?

Jawaban 2:

1.tolong bukalah pintu itu = please , open the door
2.tolong tutuplah jendela = please close the window
3.andi , tolong ambil bola itu  = andi , please grab the ball
4.tolong kirim surat itu badu = please, send the letter , badu
5.mirza,tolong pinjami aku pensil = mirza , please lend ma a pencil
sorry ya qw cma bisa 5 permintaan adja sekali lagi sorry yaaaaaa

Evaluation Summation itu apa?
Tolong Jelaskan

Jawaban 1:

Evaluative Summation: Berisi tentang pendapat akhir dari penilaian sebagai kata – kata klimaks dari karya seni yang direview

Please give me example sentence composition!!!!!! Only 1 paragraph..

Jawaban 1:

Composition of the gut flora to one less prone to produce carcinogens.Any such changes are unlikely to significantly alter the fundamental composition of the SAC series.Salmonid pellet feed consists of primarily marine-derived material and thus exhibits carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic compositions distinct to most freshwater organic material.Composition pedals: 4 double-acting to Great, 2 to Swell, 2 to couplers.The plasma deposition method permits polymer surfaces to be produced with a variety of chemical compositions not possible by normal chemical or plating treatments.Composition of the workforce in this period?The dictionary performs syntax analysis of phrases and determines morphologicalcomposition of each given word for English-language entries.

Jawaban 2:

I want to sudy,but I must help my mother and my father

Beda penggunaan have sama have been apa ya?

Jawaban 1:

Kalo have been itu digunakan untuk kata sifat kalo have kata kerja kalo gasalah hehe :)

Jawaban 2:

Kalo have itu digunakan untuk kalimat yang sudah dilakukan, kalo have been itu untuk kalimat yang sudah dilakukan dan masih dilakukan.

Tolong buatkan text advertisment dan announcement yang panjang

Jawaban 1:

Do you still use a laptop computer? Its TABLET PC era! ETERNAL TVTab is your best choice. This 7inch tablet PC with capacitive touchscreen display is operated under Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and equipped with 2GHz processor and 32GB internal memory. It also has FM radio,music and video player, 5 megapixel camera and analog TV. Hurry up!During the Jakarta Expo you can buy this tab Rp 1700000 only. Sell your laptop computer and buy ETERNAL TVTab. You'll never regret it.

Jawaban 2:

I would like to introduce you with the new plasma TV, it's kind of great TV. I also will announce whether you care or not, but the first buyer will get kiss from me. :D

Contoh kalimat dari compound - complex sentence

Jawaban 1:

While he was cleaning the kitchen, he found a lot of expired food, but he didn’t  got rid of it immediately.

Jawaban 2:

While he was cleaning the kitchen, he found a lot of expired food, but he didn’t  got rid of it immediately.

While cleaning the kitchen, he found a lot of expired food, but he didn’t  got rid of it.
Andra found a lot of expired food, but he didn’t  got rid of it because he was too lazy to do it.
While cleaning the kitchen= DC (adverbial clause)
he found a lot of expired food= IC
but= SC
he didn’t  got rid of it= IC