Contoh kalimat present tense yang menggunakan rumus nominal
Jawaban 1:
I am a student
it is an elephant
subject+to be+complement
Pertanyaan Terkait
Contoh kata watak dalam bahasa inggris dan bhs. indonesia sebanyak banyaknya tolong!
Jawaban 1:
Angkuh , kerasa kepala, sombong, pemalu, pendiam, baik, bijaksana, tegas
good, wise udah gatau lagi cuma segitu hhehe
Jawaban 2:
Dalam b.indonesia : baik, jahat, pemalu, pemberani, acuh, setia, judes, cuek
3 contoh warning di tempat wisata?
Jawaban 1:
Dont feed this animal! (kebun binatang)
dont throw the trush in the pool! (kolam renang)
dont approach the wild animal!
Jawaban 2:
Don't litter!
No flash when show is on progress!
No swimming!
Decriptive text tentang panda
Jawaban 1:
The panda also known as the giant panda to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda, is a bear native to south central It is easily recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the panda's diet is over 99% bamboo. Pandas in the wild will occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion. In captivity, they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food.
Jawaban 2:
Panda is a mammals.It has four legs.Generally,the colour of panda are black and white.It likes to eat bamboo.It likes climbing trees.
Tolong Buatkan teks drama bahasa ingrris yang agak panjangan tapi jangan terlalu panjang
dan menarik (untuk 4 orang)
Jawaban 1:
Player: ANDIKA: Chika's classmate, he love Chika but he kept in his heart MOM: Andika's mom whom always pickup Andika after school SUSI: Andika's sister, she 2 years younger then Andhika
Situation: This conversation was done in the car while on the way to go home
Andhika: Mom, I got birthday invitation from Chika
Mom: Chika? hmm..the cute girl whom you always talking about, right?
Andhika: Yeah..she's so cute..
Susi: You have to go there for her party otherwise other boy will stealing her from you
Mom: When the party will done?
Andhika: Next Saturday on OX cafe. I leaved the invitation on my desk. But I think the party will start on 07.00 PM
Susi: Any special concept and dress code?
Andhika: yes sure..a fairy tale concept..and I have to wear something to make me look like a prince.
Susi: you may count on me. I can dress you like a prince
Mom: hahahaha...yes, come to your sister. She has good knowladge for any kind of fashion
Mom: Do you have any idea about the birthday gift?
Andhika: I don't know mom..but I want to buy something special for her
Susi: What is her hobby?
Andhika: She love baking a lot...she bring any kind of food, cake, and cookies everyday.
Mom: You may buy cookbook or maybe any cute baking stuff. Trust me, she will be happy to get it
Susi: Good idea both of cookbook and baking stuff for her
Andhika: Thanks for the idea.. but I need you to choose the best cookbook and baking stuff.
Mom: We can go to the book store now and next week we may to go to Ace Hardware before her birthday party
Andhika: Okay mom..I love u
Mom: I love you too my dear
tolong buat satu buah dialog bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan kata - kata : please, salam pembuka, thankyou, salam penutup
Jawaban 1:
A : Hello. Excuse me!
B : Can I Help you?
A : Yes, you can. I can't see clearly. So, close the door, please!
B : Okay, wait! I will close the door.
A : Thank you so much!
B : No problem.
Jawaban 2:
Dina :"Hello, Sekar hw are you today ?"
sekar :" Oh hello Dina i'm fine thanks"
dina :"Hmm...Sekar can you help me ?"
sekar :" Maybe i can..what ?"
dina :"Can you accompany me to 7F to return Della's book,please?
sekar :" Oh sure, come on."
dina :" Thank you Sekar you so kind-hearted"
sekar :" Ok its my pleasure, by the way bell is ringing i must go to the class..Bye see you later"
dina :"Ok..Bye..
semoga bermanfaat
mmm maaf ya kalo kurang memuaskan atau ada kata-kata yang salah
Buat recount text minimal 200 kata. dengan penulisan yg benar. tolong dongg
Jawaban 1:
I had my adolescence when I was thirteen.
It started with acne that showed up on my face. It was very annoying. It lowered my self-esteem and I was embarrassed to come out of my house and play with friends.Fortunately, my Mum gave me a good medicine. In three weeks, the acnes started to vanish although those showed some black spots in my face.
That was my bad experience with adolescence, though there were still lots of good experience too.
Cara buat advertisement baju dalam bahasa inggris
Jawaban 1:
Come and visit our place. yo'll get something different from here. it's a different clothes. disc : 20%, or BIGSALE! or buy 1 get one FREE,etc
Coba jelaskan apa itu Present Tense ? dan berikan contoh kalimat Present Tense
Jawaban 1:
Present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan.
Simple present tense: He sleeps without a pillow. (Dia tidur tanpa bantal. ≈ habit)Present continuous tense: He is sleeping without a pillow. (Dia sedang tidur tanpa bantal)
Jawaban 2:
Present tense waktu sekarang, atau yang sedang terjadi
itu ada simple present tense contohnya i do work, she does work
present continuous tense contohnnya i am working
present perfect tense contohnnya i have worked
present perfect continuous tense contohnnya i have been working
maaf kalo salah yaaa
Tolong buatkan Dialog bahasa inggris tentang Rencana setelah lulus smp 10 pertanyaan dan jawaban...
Jawaban 1:
I = what are you doing after graduation
Y = i will continue to SMA
I = Oo Okay
maaf kalo cma dikit
Recount text tentang pengalaman tak terlupakan 300 kata???
Jawaban 1:
My First Day at Senior High School That was my first day at senior secondary school. I learned at Pelita Bangsa senior secondary school. That was the first banner service in that school year. I felt so apprehensive in light of the fact that I would confront introduction program for a few days ahead. Some new understudies came late so that they would get discipline before they could enter the door. After the banner service, I instantly went to the classroom. I saw the cumbersome air of the classroom. I didn’t know anybody of them. It appeared that nobody was my classmate in Junior High School. I decided to sit in the front side. There was still unfilled seat. At that point, somebody came and sat close to me. She was Putri. She was my chairmate. She was more garrulous than me. She helped me to soften the circumstance. She was so clever, as well. I was so glad to have her as my chairmate. I was making the most of my discussion with Putri when all of a sudden my seniors went to the classroom. They designated me to come before the classroom and requesting that I present myself. I was stunned. I stood up and began to present myself. After I had presented myself, despite everything they didn’t permit me to take a seat. They requesting that despite everything I stand up there. I was so perplexed. I pondered what they were going to do. Until the last understudy completing his presentation, despite everything I held up. Couple of minutes after the fact, one of my senior, started a discussion with me. He said that I was delightful yet I looked unconfident with myself, so they requesting that I hold up. They needed me to see the majority of the understudies from in front and felt that everything’s alright. I didn’t need to stress anything and I ought to stood and present myself certainly. I felt touched in light of their way. They gave careful consideration on me. At that point, they permitted me to take a seat. I felt so mitigated. Be that as it may, out of the blue they got irate again to me. I didn’t comprehend what truly happened right then and there. It was so unusual. I attempted to keep myself smooth. I was truly stunned and I didn’t recognize what my slip-up was. I felt that I had done well. In the long run, I saw my class instructor came. She needed to comprehend what happened in light of the fact that my classroom was so uproarious. I was eased for the second time that my educator could take a handle of that issue. My seniors were out of the classroom. At the point when my instructor was giving guidance for us, I saw two individuals before the entryway. They thumped the entryway. Shockingly, they were my guardians. At the point when my educator opened the entryway, they all of a sudden sang “Cheerful Birthday” melody. I cried. I was stunned. I comprehended what truly happened at this point. Alongside my guardians, my seniors came and brought numerous sustenances. The greater part of my companions in the classroom sang a tune for me, as well. What a grand day. I will always remember that minute. That was so inestimable. Much obliged to you for my guardians, my instructor, my seniors, and the majority of my schoolmates.
semoga bermanfaat