Terima kasih kepadamu ibu atas semua yang telah kamu berikan kepadaku terimakasih untuk kemarin , sekarang dan yang akan datang, thanks mom, for all of you give to me , thanks for yesterday, today, and tomorrow..
bener nggak?
Jawaban 1:
Thanks mom for all you have given to me thank you for yesterday, today and in the future,
Pertanyaan Terkait
Mana jawaban yang benar She's a very rude woman.
I wish she ______ more polite.
1 were
2 would be
3 had been
Tolong Penjelasannya ya
Jawaban 1:
I wish she (would be) more polite. jawabannya B karena itu menyatakan suatu permintaan....
Jawaban 2:
I wish she (b. would be) more polite
Apa bahasa inggrisnya
jalan jalan ke rumah nenek
Jawaban 1:
Having a trip to grandma's house..
Jawaban 2:
Visit my grandma --> it's the simple one
Buatlah kalimat bahasa inggris : a. approach
b. beneficial
c. bully
d. cancel
e. chant
f. chase
g. chimney
Jawaban 1:
1. the snail approached me slowly but sure
2. sleep is beneficial because it can refresh your energy
3. dont bullied me, if you always do that you can become a bad person for me.
4. oh no.. the concert is canceled, i already have the ticket.
5.she sing that chant in the church with beautifully
6.the murder in chase with the police and FBI come to help.
7. the chimney in your house is so dirty.
Jawaban 2:
1. The volunteers using the social approach of their working in the detention home of illegal migrants. 2. The treatment has great beneficial for your pets health. 3. The bully cases at school in United State has increase this year. 4. I decide to cancel my meeting with my step sister, cos i think it's not the right time to tell her what's going on about our parents married. 5. It's chant of sadness when i see on TV, when they announced that they will send the military to solve the problems in Palestine. 6. I fell like i chase the rainbow if i keep chasing him, cos he just to high for me. 7. She already clean up the chimney when her mother call her.
Ada yang bisa mendeskripsikan pekerjaan designer dalam bahasa inggris?
Jawaban 1:
Desaigner mean that The people make many desaign for many things
Insyaallah betul
My name is andre. I am fourteen years old. I have a little brother. His name is andy. He is four years youngers than me. Two days ago Andy had a 1_______. My mother tried to lower the fever by giving him some 2_______. However,the next day, his fever had still not gone down. So she took Andy to the 3______. In the hospital,the doctor 4_______ Andy. Then he said that Andy had 5_______. My mother was very worried my father tried to calm her down because Andy's 6_______ was not very bad. "There is still hope," said the doctor to my mother. Every day, the doctor 7______ Andy and gave him the proper 8_____ and medicine. Finally a week after, Andy's fever had gone down. The doctor told us that the critical time had passed and Andy could go home as soon as possible.
Jawaban 1:
1. fever
2. medicine
3. hospital
4. examine
5. typhoid
6. condition
7. check
8. treatment
Jawaban 2:
1. fever
2. medicane
3. hospital
4. check
5. scarlet fever
6. disease
7. treating
8. drug
i'm sorry if my answer is wrong. i just a ordinary people
Apa perbedaan past tense dan present perfect tense ?
Jawaban 1:
Kalau past tense, yaitu bentuk kata yang menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang akan dikerjakan di masa lampau dan tidak ada hubngannya di masa sekarang. sedangkan Present perfect tense itu.. bentuk kata yang menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah dikerjakan di masa lampau. masa lampaunya bisa saja tasi, kemarin, ataupun minggu lalu.
Jawaban 2:
Simple Past Tense : kejadian yang sudah terjadi, contohnya: I knew Julia for ten years (but then she moved away and we lost touch).
Present Perfect Tense : kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang, contohnya: I've known Julia for ten years (and I still know her).
Semoga membantu (:
Make a dialogue about how to pay compliment
Jawaban 1:
Contoh Pujian dalam Bahasa InggrisHere are some examples of the kinds of compliments common in social situations.1. This is the nicest classroom.2. You have a beautiful house.3. I like your new dress.4. This soup tastes delicious.5. That salad looks wonderful.Read the following dialogues about complimenting.Susi : Excuse me, but I was just admiring your bag. It’s really nice.Agnes : Oh, thank you.Susi : Could you tell me where you got it? I have been looking for one like that for a long time.Agnes : It’s from the Java Store in Jakarta.Susi : Oh, thank you very much.
Cara agar cepat bisa berbahasa Inggris
Jawaban 1:
Membaca buku cerita / permain games yg menggunakan bahasa inggris, biasakan berbicara / mengobrol dgn org terdekat dalam bahasa inggris walaupun cmn berberapa kalimat. nanti lama kelamaan akan terbiasa
Jawaban 2:
1. Mencari arti kata yang belum diketahui di kamus.
2. Mendengarkan penjelasan guru dengan sungguh-sungguh.
3. Menanyakan hal yang tidak diketahui ke guru.
4. Kursus Bahasa Inggris.
5. Membaca dan memahami Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
6. Mengobrol menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.
7. Mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris.
8. Menonton film berbahasa Inggris tanpa translate.
9. Bermain game yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.
Tolong ya terjemahin ke bhs indonesia cat's physiology
the body of a domestic cat is extremely , its contain more than 230 bones(the human skeleton,although much large,contain 206 bones) and its pelvis and shoulders other quadrupeds. the cat's great leapin ability and speed are due in part to its powerful musculature. its tail provides balance when jumping or falling.
the cat's claws are designed for catching and holding prey. the sharp, hooked, retractile claws are sheathed in a soft, leathery pocket at the ending, and climbing. the cat marks its territory by scratching and scenting trees or other objects scent glands on its paw pads leave a scent mark. the cat's teeth are designed for biting, not for chewing.its powerful jaw muscles and sharp teeht enable the cat to deliver a killing bite to its prey.
tolong dibantu
Jawaban 1:
Physiology cat domestic cat's body is very, containing more than 230 bones (skeleton human, although many large, lasting 206 bones) and pelvic and shoulder other quadrupeds. leapin ability and speed cat big part because strong muscles. tail provides balance when jumping or falling. cat's claws are designed for catching and holding prey. sharp, curved, retractable claws are coated soft, rugged pocket at the end, and climb. cats mark territory by scratching and scenting tree or other object scent glands on foot pads that leave scars scent. cat teeth are designed to bite, not to chewing.its powerful jaw muscles and sharp teeht allow the cat to give bite to its prey murder
Jawaban 2:
Fisiologi kucing tubuh kucing domestik, yang mengandung lebih dari 230 tulang (kerangka manusia, meskipun banyak yang besar, 206 tulang) dan panggul dan bahu berkaki empat lainnya. kemampuan leapin besar kucing dan kecepatan yang sebagian karena otot-otot yang kuat. ekornya memberikan keseimbangan saat melompat atau jatuh.
cakar kucing dirancang untuk menangkap dan menahan mangsanya. tajam, bengkok, cakar ditarik yang dilapisi lembut, saku kasar di akhir, dan memanjat. kucing menandai wilayahnya dengan menggaruk dan scenting pohon atau benda lain kelenjar bau pada bantalan kaki yang meninggalkan bekas aroma. gigi kucing dirancang untuk menggigit, tidak untuk chewing.its kuat otot-otot rahang dan gigi yang tajam memungkinkan kucing untuk memberikan gigitan pembunuhan bagi mangsanya.
Buat recount text minimal 200 kata. dengan penulisan yg benar. tolong dongg
Jawaban 1:
I had my adolescence when I was thirteen.
It started with acne that showed up on my face. It was very annoying. It lowered my self-esteem and I was embarrassed to come out of my house and play with friends.Fortunately, my Mum gave me a good medicine. In three weeks, the acnes started to vanish although those showed some black spots in my face.
That was my bad experience with adolescence, though there were still lots of good experience too.