The weather is ... in the dry seasons
Jawaban 1:
the weather is HOT in the dry seasons
Jawaban 2:
The weather is dry in the dry seasons
Pertanyaan Terkait
Tolong buatin future pasive dari I spend my money to but a car.
Jawaban 1:
His money will be spent by him to buy a car
Jawaban 2:
Present Future passive : my money will be spent by me to buy a car
present futere perfect passive : my money will have been spent by me to buy a car
past Future passive :my money would be spent by me to buy a car
past Future perfect passive : my money would have been spent by me to buy a car
Jawaban 1:
I buy the stamp on the market
Jawaban 2:
I buy the stamp on the market
itu jawabannya yah hhehe ;D
Kenapa orang turis suka sama yang namanya berjemur????
Jawaban 1:
Soalnya orang bule kekurangan pigmen darah, dan hanya bisa di dapatkan dengan berjemur. Kalau kekurangan pigmen darah, bisa cepet kena kanker ataupun penyakit lainnya
Apa bahasa inggrisnya gayung?
Jawaban 1:
Scoop atau bisa juga water dipper
Jawaban 2:
Bailer atau water dipper
moga-moga membantu
Jawaban 1:
Gulliver's Travels ( Semoga Membantu )
Jam dalam penngunaan bahasa ingris
Jawaban 1:
Jam dalam penggunaan bahasa inggris membantu untuk mengetahui adverb of time dan mengetaui tenses apa yang akan kita gunakan
Jawaban 2:
Contohnya seperti nine o 'clock berarti jam 9 dst
Tugas 1 kalimatnya menindakan (negatif interogatif)
- orang pertama tungal
- orang ketiga tungal
2 kalimat perintah (imperatif sentence)
3 kalimat perintah negatif (negatif imperatif)
4 kata shall & will
1.kalimat berita
2kalimat negatif
3kalimat tanya
4kalimat tanya menindakan
Jawaban 1:
She will study next month
You want to tell your repeated action in the past, you say, "When I was a child,..." a. I would visit my grandparents every weekend
b. I could visit my grandparents every weekend
c. I might visit my grandparents every weekend
d. I should visit my grandparents every weekend
sama penjelasannya ya
Jawaban 1:
I would visit my grandparents every weekend
Jawaban 2:
Selamat malam~ Coba menjawab ya.. :)
I think option A. "I would".
Tergantung ceritanya sih, cuma yang biasa dipakai itu, "aku ingin". Untuk might, should , could itu menurut saya terlalu aneh dan gak biasa. Semoga membantu..
Deskripsi bahasa inggris tentang masjid istiqlal
Jawaban 1:
Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, Indonesia is the biggest mosque in Southeast Asia, befitting its location in the largest Muslim country in the world (in terms of population). The mosque was constructed to conform to then-President Sukarno's grand vision of a strong, multi-faith state with the government at its center: Istiqlal Mosque stands across the street from the Catholic Jakarta Cathedral, and both places of worship stand next to Merdeka Square, home to Monas (Independence Monument) which towers over them
Jawaban 2:
Istiqlal Mosque is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia . This mosque is a pride for the nation of Indonesia , as a manifestation of an expression of gratitude to Allah SWT for the outpouring of His grace , the nation's Muslim -majority Indonesia can successfully fight for independence and the formation of the State of RI . Hence it is called Istiqlal mosque means FREEDOM .
After the transfer of sovereignty from the Dutch colonial government to the Republic of Indonesia in 1949, the building was an idea Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta by Mr KH . Wahid Hasyim ( Minister of Religion in 1950) and Mr. Anwar Tjokroaminoto , hereinafter designated as the Chairman of the Istiqlal Mosque Foundation .
In 1953 the committee was formed for the construction of the Istiqlal Mosque , which is headed by Mr. Anwar Tjokroaminoto . He expressed the idea of the construction of the Istiqlal Mosque to the President DR . Ir . Sukarno and has received rave reviews , even the President will fully support the construction of the Istiqlal Mosque .
In 1954 , DR . Ir . Sukarno by diangat Committee as Head of Technical Development Istiqlal Mosque , and since then he is active in the activities of the Istiqlal Mosque , among others, as Chairman of the Jury to judge the contest mockups Istiqlal .
Semua harus belajar dengan baik
Jawaban 1:
"All must learn well" or "Everybody must learn well"
Jawaban 2:
All must learn Well
semoga membantu